Last week the Greater Eastside Junior Football Association (GEJFA) council meet to discuss the possibility of a spring tackle football season. If you recall, we requested all GEJFA members to click through and respond to a league wide survey about whether or not your athlete would be willing to play in a spring league. Skyline had a fantastic response rate to the survey request and for that we say “Thank You”. Unfortunately, once all survey results were compiled it was clear that we (GEJFA) would not be able to field teams for all clubs, let alone each level for each club. As a result, the GEJFA Council regretfully voted to cancel the spring tackle football season option and focus our tackle football efforts on next fall.

The SYFA Board and the GEJFA council are exploring what options we may be able to offer in the spring for non-contact football. We will continue to meet and look at options that we may be able to bring forward that comply with State and Local guidelines regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. I assure you that the GEJFA Council and the SYFA Board are looking for any options that we can provide to bring football back into your youth sports option and help our kids regain some semblance of normality in these unprecedented times.

Please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions or concerns you may have.


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